Cardiologs to present Poster at ESC 2022
We are thrilled to announce that our Moderated ePoster “Clinical validation of an artificial intelligence algorithm offering cross-platform detection of atrial fibrillation using smart device electrocardiograms” will be presented at ESC 2022 in Barcelona on Friday 26th of August at 10:15 am.
Dr Diego Mannhart from the Department of Cardiology, University Hospital Basel, Switzerland, will be presenting initial results based on an observational study where they assessed the value of applying Cardiologs Deep Neural Network (DNN) algorithm to five different smart devices recordings for the detection of AF compared to the results of 12-lead ECG readings done by physicians, considered as the gold standard method.
“Today, we see an increased number of FDA-cleared smart devices being capable of screening for Atrial Fibrillation using only a single-lead ECG. However, the capabilities and accuracy of those embedded algorithms may vary. In this study, we assessed the clinical value of using AI-based algorithms and so far, the data shows that Cardiologs’ DNN results are almost never inconclusive compared to those found by the manufacturer. Additionally, it showed a similarly high accuracy in the detection of AF compared to the standard 12-lead ECG, bringing promising clinical results, especially for managing the ever increasing amounts of incoming data.” said Mannhart.
More information regarding the upcoming session can be found here.