List of publications

Near-Term Prediction of Life-Threatening Ventricular Arrhythmias using Artificial Intelligence-Enabled Single Lead Ambulatory ECG

Laurent Fiorina, Tanner Carbonati, Kumar Narayanan, Jia Li, Christine Henry, Jagmeet Singh, Eloi Marijon

Clinical validation of an artificial intelligence algorithm offering cross-platform detection of atrial fibrillation using smart device electrocardiograms

Diego Mannhart, Baptiste Lefebvre, Christophe Gardella, Christine Henry, Teodor Serban, Sven Knecht, Michael Kühne, Christian Sticherling, Patrick Badertscher

Evaluation of an Ambulatory ECG Analysis Platform Using Deep Neural Networks in Routine Clinical Practice

Laurent Fiorina, MD, Carole Maupain, MD; Christophe Gardella, PhD, Vladimir Manenti, MD, Fiorella Salerno, MD; Pierre Socie, MD, Jia Li, MSc; Christine Henry, MSc, Audrey Plesse, MSc; Kumar Narayanan, MD, FHRS; Aurélie Bourmaud, MD, Eloi Marijon, MD, PhD

Short-term prediction of atrial fibrillation from ambulatory monitoring ECG using a deep neural network

Jagmeet P. Singh, Julien Fontanarava, Grégoire de Massé, Tanner Carbonati, Jia Li, Christine Henry, Laurent Fiorina

Smartwatch-based detection of atrial arrhythmia using a deep neural network in a tertiary care hospital

Fiorina, L & Lefebvre, B & Gardella, C & Henry, Christine & Coquard, C & Younsi, S & Said, M & Salerno, F & Horvilleur, Jérôme & Lacotte, Jerome & Mannenti, V.

An Artificial Intelligence-Based Smartwatch ECG Analysis Improves the Detection of Atrial Arrhythmia

Fiorina L, Chemaly P, Cellier J, Younsi S, Ait Said M, Salerno F, Horvilleur J, Lacotte J, Manenti V, Henry C, Gardella C, Lefebvre B.

AI Filter Improves Positive Predictive Value of Atrial Fibrillation Detection by an Implantable Loop Recorder

Suneet Mittal, MD, Susan Oliveros, CRAT, Jia Li, MSC, Thibaut Barroyer, MSC, Christine Henry, MSC, Christophe Gardella, PHD

Smartwatch Electrocardiogram and Artificial Intelligence for Assessing Cardiac-Rhythm Safety of Drug Therapy in the COVID-19 Pandemic. The QT-logs study

Baptiste Maille, Marie Wilkin, Matthieu Millon, Noémie Rességuier, Frédéric Franceschi, Linda Koutbi-Franceschi, Jérôme Hourdain, Elisa Martinez, Maxime Zabern, Christophe Gardella, Herve Dupont-Tissot, Jagmeet P. Singh, Jean-Claude Deharo, Laurent Fiorina

An Artificial Intelligence-Based Solution To Reduce False Positive Detections Of Atrial Fibrillation By An Implantable Loop Recorder

Suneet Mittal, BA, MD, FHRS, Susan Oliveros, CRAT, Christine Henry, Jia Li, MSc and Christophe Gardella, PhD

AI­-based strategy enables faster Holter ECG analysis with equivalent clinical accuracy compared to a classical strategy

L Fiorina, E Marijon, C Maupain, C Coquard, L Larnier, J Rischard, A Bourmaud, F Salerno, J Horvilleur, J Lacotte, M Ait Said, V Manenti, A Maltret, J Li, C Gardella

A deep neural network learning algorithm outperforms a conventional algorithm for emergency department electrocardiogram interpretation

Stephen W. Smith, MD, Brooks Walsh, MD, Ken Grauer, MD, Kyuhyun Wang, MD, Jeremy Rapin, Ph.D., Jia Li, William Fennell, M.D., Pierre Taboulet, M.D.

A deep neural network for 12-lead electrocardiogram interpretation outperforms a conventional algorithm, and its physician overread, in the diagnosis of atrial fibrillation

Stephen W. Smith, Jeremy Rapin, Jia Li, Yann Fleureau, William Fennell, Brooks M. Walsh, Arnaud Rosier, Laurent Fiorina, Christophe Gardella

AI-based platform enables faster ambulatory ECG analysis with equivalent clinical accuracy compared to traditional solution

Laurent Fiorina, M.D., Eloi Marijon, M.D. Ph.D., Carole Maupain, M.D., Charlène Coquard, M.D., Louis Larnier, M.D., Julien Rischard, M.D., Aurélie Bourmaud, M.D. Ph.D., Jia Li, Fiorella Salerno, M.D., Jérôme Horvilleur, M.D., Jérôme Lacotte, M.D., Mina Ait Said, M.D., Vladimir Mannenti, M.D., Alice Maltret, M.D., Christophe Gardella, Ph.D.

Improved Interpretation of Atrial Dysrhythmias by a New Neural Network Electrocardiogram Interpretation Algorithm

Stephen W. Smith, Jeremy Rapin, Jia Li, Brooks M. Walsh , Arnaud Rosier, Laurent Fiorina, Kenneth W. Dodd, and Pierre Taboulet

Deep neural networks improve atrial fibrillation detection in Holter: first results

J Li , J Rapin, A Rosier, S W Smith, Y Fleureau and P Taboulet


Pursuant to 35 U.S.C. §287(a), Cardiologs Technologies products are protected by one or more U.S. patents. Each product also may be covered by one or more foreign patents and additional patent application(s) may still be pending.

The following list of products and U.S. patents may not be all inclusive, and other products not listed here may be protected by one or more patents.

Product Patents
Cardiologs ECG Analysis Platform US10426364, US10758139, US10779744, US10959660, US11134880, US11147500
Cardiologs ECG Analysis Platform EP Patent No. 3367897 (AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, TR) and EP Patent No. 3673493 (AT, BE, CH, CZ, DE, DK, EE, ES, FI, FR, GB, GR, HU, IE, IT, LT, LU, LV, NL, NO, PL, PT, RO, SE, TR)