Cardiologs Holter for Service Providers

Grow your cardiac service business, reduce inefficiencies

Provide high-quality cardiac monitoring services while running a profitable business
Medical-grade AI
  • Deep-learning technology
  • Built on +20M recordings¹
  • Increased specificity & comparable sensitivity vs. traditional solutions²
Cloud-based technology
  • No local software installation required
  • Available through API, as an option
  • Direct and secure data sharing through ShareSpace
Vendor-neutral solution
  • Compatible with various device manufacturers³
  • Supports different recording modalities

Grow your business with Cardiologs

Operational efficiency

Our Platform automates most of the labor required to perform an expert-level ECG diagnosis, thereby saving up to 78% in time needed for Holter analysis and reporting¹. Your ECG technicians and cardiac physiologists can scan the recordings, guided through a simplified workflow.

Customer satisfaction

Generate sleek reports, customizable to the needs of your organization. With “Signal Insights” feature, you can give your clients a 1-click, secured access to the episodes’ context.

Download a sample report

Scale your services

Cardiologs lets you integrate new devices, thus expanding your activity freely with no additional software needed.

Validated AI technology

Publications & Abstracts
Patents granted
ECGs in database
CE Mark
FDA Clearance
GDPR compliant
HIPAA compliant
Mark Hashemi
Managing Director at ECG On-Demand

Cardiologs has helped us with keeping our clinical service in the UK and not needing to outsource overseas, by increasing our productivity.

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Stephanie Barrett
Clinical lead at ECG On-Demand

Cardiologs is a very intuitive system to use. I was already comfortable playing around by myself after a couple of cases.

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Laura Smith
Cardiac Physiologist at ECG On-Demand

Cardiologs represents a massive improvement compared to the solutions I’ve used in the past. I now have the quality and the speed.

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